Law and Mediators


ASESOR&Ad, since more than 20 years, working with

Law and Mediators

There are many questions and / or concerns that any business and / or individual will be generated due to what some authors call “excessive bureaucracy” (since that Spain has an extensive compendium of laws, regulations, provisions,…).

Our firm has specialized lawyers, willing not only to hear those questions or concerns but to study and work them for resolution.

Irrespective of the type of customer request, we make a full coverage of the matter as required, with specialists in various legal areas and could serve (among others):

-In the civil area: debt claims, rights, inheritance, traffic accidents …. with special reference in the field of Couples and Family (Divorce, Food,…).

-In the market area: Internet shopping claims, Abuse Undertakings Bank …. with special references in the field Bankruptcy and Mortgage Clauses floor.

-In the workplace: Claims Dismissal, Rights and Number, Sanctions, Vacations, …… .. with special references in the Union area.

-In Contentious Administrative Area: Claims for traffic fines, administrative decisions Administrative Silence … .. with special reference on Administrative Records.

-In the penalty area: Arrested assistance, filing complaints, monitoring of Procedimento …. with special reference to gender violence.

Moreover, given the government support and social awareness experienced in recent times, we have titled Mediators for those cases where required or advisable participation.

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