About Us


ASESOR&Ad, since more than 20 years, working with

Our Identity

Definition. Mission and vision

ASESOR&Ad it is a professional organization dedicated to the provision of advisory and consulting services needed by any company without discrimination on size, industry or organizational structure, with financial services and legal advice, tailored to their nature and capacity. ASESOR&Ad VISION mission and the purpose and perseverance to achieve continuous improvement in qualitative terms, in the provision of services entrusted to us and / or required.

Principles and values

The values of ASESOR&Ad are concepts, customs, attitudes, skills, actions and thoughts that make up a body of behavior that is projected from our organization and our organization. These essential operating values are integrity, professionalism, trust, commitment, confidentiality and independence. Only through these values has made a formal organizational structure that is defined by its horizontality and where communication flows rapidly, generating principles underlying our actions such as creativity, teamwork, the formation of groups MULTIDISCIPLINARY , the constructive spirit achievement orientation and honesty.

Corporate Objectives

ASESOR&Ad main objective MEET THE NEEDS AND FULLY expectations of our clients, commercially placing ourselves outside the traditional consulting areas, allowing us to act with a GENERIC STRATEGY LEADERSHIP IN COSTS.

This objective is closely related to our professional development.

We Difference

En ASESOR&Ad we work from the client’s perspective, but we have the advantage of experience in similar or identical situations and positions in which these can be found, because “we were cooks before friars”; Internally we maintain a flat structure that allows fluid communication, which in turn is based on a flexible, effective and detailed advice.

The human staff in our ASESOR&Ad is a independent multidisciplinary team from the private sector and in some cases public, which, from our incorporation as a professional firm over 15 years ago, has consolidated significant experience and proven negotiating skills with both public entities, Financial institutions, investors of all kinds, etc.

Our human staff has proven experience in the administration and management of firms in difficulty (including insolvency or pre-insolvency), achieving its turnaround, restructuring and / or improving its management.

ASESOR&Ad is this created by experts areas such as economy, finance and law, working with honesty to advise on what’s best customer, and with full responsibility.

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